It seems that time flies by, and the guy who is responsible
for updating this website has definitely been slacking!
I will try to get him to stay a bit more current:)
We have been working hard, built some cool stuff and have now added some chicken and duck friends to the crew.
In the years that have passed since our last transmission...
We have said "Until we Meet Again" to a few dear friends,
and also lost a few dog friends, understanding that we were
Blessed to have them all with us in the time that we did. :)
They will all be missed.
Here are a few links to some videos that were made and never posted.
Miller Specialized Talbert
Traveling Axle Project
Insane Great Dane
So that leads me to Mr. Mike
He is proudly sporting the plastic lathe turnings in the video above, and is our new partner in crime as the guy with the patience, and calm to handle the most intricate finesse and technical jobs.
This guy can catch fish anywhere, and never miss an invite to a gathering where he is cooking!
Mike is also an Accomplished Welder and Master Mechanic.